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DYCE – Discovering young composers of europe

We are happy to announce the second edition of DYCE!

Together with our partners, we have again launched a call to discover young composers in Europe. This time, we are also looking for storytellers who can help us share the story of our project and the upcomming composers.


DYCE is a small-scale European project co-funded through the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union during the years 2018–2020.

DYCE has four partners:

Divertimento Ensemble, project coordinator - Milan, Italy

Cikada - Oslo, Norway

Ensemble U: - Tallinn, Estonia

Taller Sonoro - Seville, Spain

DYCE’s starting point was a Call for Scores rendered accessible to the largest possible number of composition students from all European Universities, Conservatories, Musikhochschulen and Music Schools: this was the first stage of a diverse cultural project involving performances and educational paths. The project engaged both music professionals and audiences, bringing long-term results in the European musical and cultural scene.

all our DYCE events

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